Thank You Reeds Ferry Sheds!

Reeds Ferry Sheds in Hudson, NH has donated a beautiful shed to St. Gianna’s Place. We are grateful for their generosity and support. If you’re in the market for a shed, visit their outdoor showroom at 3 Tracy Lane, Hudson, NH or peruse their website at High quality, beautiful …

Wish List

St. Gianna’s Place has a Wish List! Below please find items that our residents can use: Gift cards to Wal Mart or Target will allow our residents to purchase necessary personal items. Market Basket gift cards Child’s table and chair set (can be gently used) Child’s wagon (can be gently …

Our First Anniversary!

Today, April 28, is the feast day of our Patroness, St. Gianna Molla.  Additionally, we will mark our first anniversary on May 2.  We have so much to celebrate, and all of us at St. Gianna’s Place are very grateful to you, our supporters, for your prayers, volunteer hours, and financial contributions …

Blog Post – Social Distancing

Making the Most of Social Distancing Seemingly overnight, the term “social distancing” became one of the most commonly used phrases around the world.  It’s ubiquitous, and will forever be a reminder of the Corona virus and the resulting pandemic of 2020.Social distancing hits everyone a little differently, but we all feel …